Another testimony of the horribly unethical sales pressure and culture at this company.
Competing goals between consumer sales associates, business sales associates, investment sales associates, home loan and mortgage sales associates are completely contradictory and create unethical sales practices.
This company churns and burns through their associates CONSTANTLY; firing/silencing those that speak up against the toxic culture, hiring new “green” unsuspecting associates with false promises and lies about the culture, only to churn and burn again and again.
The Legal and Compliance department creates “client centric” verbiage (verbiage that SOUNDS like they are putting the client first, when in fact it is a way to hide the unethical sales pressure to hit astounding goals) to satisfy regulators.
Subject: Sales pressure
Message: I worked for BOA for 19 years. Although the message of “doing what’s right” for the client on the basis of “needs based” conversations, the message was clear on the mounds of conference calls indicating our failure to complete the goals they placed.
They had declined an insurmountable amount of loans for clients that “qualified “ and if we scrubbed them and found that credit wasn’t strong enough we were still required to put in an application knowing very well they didn’t qualify; but it filled the bucket like a “check mark” (showing) that I’m actually “working”.
The pressure to open accounts and all the “tick marks” to make it look like the (client comes first) behaviors correlated with the sales was (are) total lies.
The Business sales team (goals) versus the consumer sales (goals) versus market retail managers (goals) versus our partners (goals) and their quota it made no sense.
It got worse and worse until you are performance managed out of the bank. The turnover is crazy.
(Identity withheld for protection)